How does it work?
Bionium vermicompost extract contains a complex of useful substances and can be used for all plant crops. All the nutrients are in a chemically balanced form, and all the components are of synchronous and prolonged action. The action of Bionium does not disturb the natural processes in soil – on the contrary, it gently and properly regulates them, restoring the ecology of both the soil and the grown crops. The component microflora can restore even the dead soil and “switch on” all of its functions and the ability to high fertility. Bionium extract provides plants with biological protection and accelerates their growth and development due to the complex of microorganisms contained in the vermicompost.
The bactericidal properties of the fertilizer are due to the presence of bacteriostatic proteins secreted by the tissues of the worm itself and antibiotics secreted by symbiontic microorganisms in the worm intestines. These components strengthen the immunity of plants, provide essential nutrition, and make them more resistant to disease.
Bionium extract is a biofungicide and microbiological compound. It contains various useful for soil and plants aerobic microorganisms of several groups and water-soluble products of their vital activity, including humic compounds. In contrast to compost extracts, the vermicompost contains antibacterial and antifungal substances and repellents. The extract contains both water-soluble components (humic acids, fulvic acids, organic acids, amino acids, regulatory peptides, vitamins, and hormones) and living soil (rhizosphere) microflora. As a result, plants quickly and efficiently get all the necessary nutrients in a concentrated form, and, most importantly, they get them in a form they can assimilate.